
Port Alsworth, Alaska, United States
A little about me:

Love my family who all live in California, I only get down about once a year for Christmas to see them.

As far as relocating, I am not willing to do that, I am established with work, friends and a small church where I live. Not that God can’t change my plans, but I don’t see that as an option at this time. I definitely understand that where I live is a major hurdle and is not for most people. I live about 165 miles southwest of Anchorage by plane, no roads in or out. The village is roughly 160 people, one church, no stores and definitely grows in the summer. Any questions just ask

Grew up with believing parents, but wasn’t saved until high school sometime. Since then God has used mostly preachers, sermons, and wretched radio to bring me to a fuller understanding of what salvation is. The sinfulness of man(myself) and the grace, mercy, and justice of God.

I am Reformed in my understanding of the word of God this is something that I partial understood and learned with wretched radio but didn’t even realize it until I was confronted with the biblical nature and truth of the Doctrines of Grace. Even as my flesh rebelled against some of it I could not deny the scriptural support of it. Since then it has been great as I re read through the bible to see the consistency and truths throughout scripture

I am reading through John right now and working on memorizing Ephesians 4

I am self employed and work doing construction most of the year and commercial fish in the summer

Christian dating: My Ideal date:

Looking for a serious relationship/courtship, I would like to get married and raise a godly family

My Christian faith:
Is foundational for me, as I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of who God is and His plans and pupposes in this world. His goodness, justice, mercy, patience, grace, etc on wretched sinners and the evidence of that with Christ upon a cross to bear our sins.
Christian Denomination:
Christian dating
Looking For: