
San Carlos, California, United States
A little about me:

I love God's word. I enjoy engaging in good conversation on many topics. I'm a thinker and I'm sociable. I appreciate good humor and enjoy making others laugh. I also enjoy flying as well as driving. I enjoy photography and taking nature walks and hikes. I enjoy swimming. I enjoy reading. It's a God-given privilege for me to be an encourager to others. I love to sing praises to my Lord and God. I also enjoy encouraging other brothers and sisters in Christ with sharing beautiful music that's rich in God's truth with attractive, singable harmonies. "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ..." Ephesians 5:18-19

Christian dating: My Ideal date:

I enjoy cooking for others, taking road trips, walking on the coast or in the mountains, going out to dinner, picnics, visiting friends and engaging in Bible studies. Regarding a relationship with a Christian woman, it is vital for the two of us to be equally yoked in Christ. I don't need to be taught how to be romantic as I believe in courting a Christian woman and desire for her to know she is appreciated and valued. I do believe I can say with much confidence that my potential future spouse will not have to remind me about getting her flowers and romancing her. I'm a natural born romantic at heart. My desire will be to make it clear to her that she is loved and esteemed as I know that she is created in the image of God and a gift from God. My ideal first date is to take a long walk together to enjoy good conversation, maybe then sit down at an outdoor cafe or on an outdoor patio at a restaurant on a wharf at the ocean with the beautiful ocean surrounding us and for us to enjoy each other's company while not being in any hurry while engaging in good, meaningful conversation as well as laugh together.

My Christian faith:
My identity in Christ defines who I am. I trust in Christ's righteousness alone for my salvation. He is my Lord and my Savior. In Christ alone my hope is found. My worth is not in what I own but my value is fixed, my ransom paid, at the cross. I rejoice in my Redeemer, greatest treasure, wellspring of my soul. 2 Corinthians 5:21 "God the Father made God the Son to be sin on our behalf Who Himself knew no sin in order that we might be declared righteous, justified in God's sight through Him." (Emphasis added) John 6:37 "All that the Father gives to Me shall come to Me. And anyone who comes to Me for salvation I will never, no never, cast away." (Emphasis added)
Church Attendance:
Christian Denomination:
Non-denominational Christian 
Bible study:
Body type:
6' 0" 
Caucasian (white) 
TV watching:
Dramas, Movies 
Sense of humor:
Friendly, Clever / Quick witted, Other 
Political Views:
Art, Bible Study, Church activities, Church / Community service, Cooking, Dining, Family, Gardening, Health / Fitness, Listening to music, Movies, Photography, Playing music, Reading, Travel 
Home and family
Marital status:
Single / never married 
Have kids:
Want (more) kids:
Living situation:
Christian dating
Looking For:
Serious Relationship 
Professional life
Employment status: