Single, male and Christian. Why are 100.000s of faithful / Godly, Christian men still single?
As we gradually grow older, the inherent need to love and be loved begins to break through the surface of our seemingly tranquil lives. Single Christian men, as much as single Christian women all look forward to a time when they can happily build homes and families based on God’s Word and standard. All single Christian men look forward to a happy life with a spouse to stand by them through it all, someone to grow together with, be silly with, make mistakes with, grow with, and worship God with.
However beautiful all these feelings and visions of a happy marriage are, are you a single Christian man, wondering if marriage was ever meant for you? Do you constantly face the fear of not getting settled with the right Godly woman? In your heart of hearts, do you think time is running out or you’re are you focused on your career that when you are eventually ready, all the ‘Godly women’ will have already been married?
At times single Christian men become fearful when they think of their marriage prospects, but always remember that fear is not of God.
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
Let’s address the issue of being Christian and single once and for all: Why are thousands of Christian men that desire to get married still single?
Research among Christian singles has shown that, 63% of single Christian women had never been asked out on a date by single Christian men from within their own Church congregation. In fact, single Christian women have recorded more ‘asking outs’ from non-Christians. Why is this the case? Why are single Christian women not being courted and asked out on dates? Why are you as a Christian man still single as there are one and a half times more single Christian women than men?
Christian Dating is fun, but takes time and effort.
Have you been waiting for that magical moment to happen, to meet that special girl, with whom you will have that instant click, chances are that you have been waiting too long. Sure, these magical moments exist, but maybe you have been waiting for too long. Stop waiting for the moon and the stars to be perfectly aligned, before you starting asking women out on dates. Dating takes time and effort, you really need to put some elbow grease into dating and getting to know single Christian women.
Please do not expect to meet the woman of your dreams after only a hand full of dates. Put your faith into action and ask n women out on dates, have a good time on your first dates and see where it leads to. You simply cannot expect to get married if you are not willing to invest the time and energy into dating multiple single Christian women.
Godly Christian men.
Many single Christian women are of the opinion that many single Christian men are not as dedicated to their faith as they should be. Do you live your Christian faith? Do you regularly attend Church services? In what other ways are you involved in your Church? Have you been involved with missions? Do you love God above all else? How often do you read the Bible? Have you been saved? When you grow closer to God, Godly, Christian women will take note and approach you.
The Bible teaches us: Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. (proverbs 31:10) If a virtuous woman is worth more than rubies, a virtuous man is worth more than diamonds as there are far fewer single Godly men than women! As you continue to work on worshiping God, serving others and being involved in your church you will shine bright like a diamond and become more appealing to single Christian women, as it will become obvious that you are bearing forth good fruit(Matthew 7:16)! More important than other Christian singles taking note of you is God taking note, God will bless you with Prosperity as you serve him in righteousness.
Fact: "Adversity pursues sinners, But the righteous will be rewarded with prosperity." Proverbs 13:21
Get out of the friend zone.
Many single Christian women are of the opinion that they never really know for sure if the single Christian men who approach them are really interested in pursuing a steady relationship with them. Single Christian men remain in the background as just friends without ever making their intentions of a romantic relationship clear. Often Single Christian men and women are in an unofficial Christian dating / friend relationship-ish situations, without any real commitment. Where the guy uses his single female friend to feed his emotional needs without any plans or desire for taking on serious marriage responsibility.
These ‘friend zone’ situations have some of the emotional support and closeness of a real relationship, but also the open non committed character of a friendship, it seems like to best of both worlds. But the consequences of these vaguely defined relationships / friendships without any real commitment are heartache and regret. Get out of this emotional quagmire and pray for God’s help to focus on marriage and starting a family
Indeed, the list is endless. However, what is much more important is charting a way forward to end this cycle. Take a look at the words of Jesus in Matthew 19:26-
“…with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Is there a way out? Absolutely! If you are stuck in the in twilight of the ‘friend zone’, pray for guidance and clarity of mind. After prayerful consideration address the issue with you female ‘friend’ and decide if you want to progress towards marriage, or if perhaps you’d better stop seeing each other.
Date outside of your league!
We humans have an aversion to everything that we perceive as ‘different’. Too often we want to date someone that is exactly like us. Too often we judge and write off single Christian women too soon. Are you guilty of writing off, God’s beloved daughters so quickly, that you do not even give them a second look? Do you have a list with requirements of what a future spouse needs to be like, that no human being could possibly meet?
God most likely has a has a wonderful single Christian woman in store for you, but it could be that you are blinding yourself with your ‘list’ of specifications. Remember that it is not a car that you are buying, and that God is no respecter of persons, in God’s eyes we are all precious and unique: For God there simply is no ‘league’.
"Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.…" Acts 10:34
Try dating Godly girls that you normally would not consider dating, give them a chance. At the very least you could get to know them a little and perhaps there is reason to go on more dates you will probably have lots of fun on these dates and might during one of these dates even come to realize that you do like your date an awful lot and that she will be your future wife.
How stable are you?
While God did not create anyone without emotions, single Christian women love single Christian men who are strong, dependable and mentally stable. Do you take your mental health serious? As a man, if you are still emotionally shaky, please work on yourself, read more, educate yourself and develop yourself in every way possible. Get professional help if you need to. How about your physical health, do respect your body as the temple of your soul?
As much as you long for a God-glorifying relationship, allow God to groom you, to prune you, and prepare you for your future wife, so that you can be both deserving of each other.
By the sweat of your brow…
Being respectable means you should ask yourself if your lifestyle may elicit profound respect from any woman to be in a relationship with. Ask yourself if you are financially stable, are you prudent or frivolous in spending? For any single Christian guy who seeks to attract the right single Christian woman, know that being hardworking is a big tick on the list of single women, wanting to get married and start a family. You are going to be the head of your home, so it is imperative for you to be hardworking, making a respectable living for yourself.
Use Christian Dating Sites
Many areas are void of Christian singles. Perhaps most members in your local congregation are pensioners or married couples with young children. Or maybe you are just not into your local Christian singles scene. When the prospect of finding the wife of your dreams locally is slim, try CHristian dating sites.
Christian Dating sites are quite literally everywhere on the internet. However, it is important for every single Christian man seeking God-fearing single Christian women use the right source, where you can meet Christian singles of the same faith and values. Christian dating sites like offer the right platforms to foster beautiful friendships that could lead to marriage. is a Christian owned and operated Christian dating site / Christian mingle site especially for Christian singles. On, Christian mingle with fun-loving Christian singles with high moral standards. We invite you to mingle with 10.000s Faithful Christian Singles. 1000s happily married Christians met on Christian dating site for Christian singles.