Find the love of your life with God's help. Christian dating.
Single Christian women and Christian single men expect great things to come to them. Of course, we’ve got hopes and aspirations that we must never lose sight off, above all, we look forward to settling down with the spouse of your dreams. But do we sit idle and expect that without any effort of ours?

The days of our lives are filled with uncertainties. However, as Christian single men and single Christian women, we have something more to live for, for we walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit of God. You are born of God and led by the Spirit.
For single Christian men and women, it is only natural to dream about meeting the right person. Do you think your years are climbing up the ladder without so much as a backward glance? Are you scared that if you do not start dating a lot of random Christian singles, you might never get married? These, and many more fears are only part of the process God is taking you through. Look at you! Have you not had a lot of things that really plagued your mind when you were much younger? Did God not let it all pass like it never happened?
God led you through the hills, valleys, tunnels and wilderness, He is preparing behind the scenes to have you star struck. He is behind the scenes, making sure everything is perfect for the spotlight that will herald your becoming. All you have to do is to keep your faith alive. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Anxiety is the opposite of faith. Why worry when you can trust in Jesus? 1 Peter 5:7 says you should cast all your anxieties unto Jesus, for He cares for you.

As much as you dream of marriage, it is also the will of God that single Christians get married, to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Furthermore, reading Malachi 2:15 reveals to us God desires that we bear godly offspring from our union. Now, let’s take a look at 7 ways in which you may with God’s help attract other Christian singles and even your future spouse.

1 Be Open Minded towards other Christian dating.
How ready are you to receive who God has in mind to be your future spouse? Never be short-sighted about dating other Christian singles.
Do you know that the moment you disallow faith from having its free course in you, you are restricting yourself from obtaining the blessings that God has in store for you? Fear cowers, it hampers, it inhibits, and it stunts growth. On the other hand, faith liberates, it gives life, it waters and it grows. As a single Christian, you need to be open-minded, walk in faith, have fun, mix with other Christian single men and single Christian women of the faith, you just might find your spouse, when you least expect it.
2 Hope.
In Romans 5:5, we learn that “hope maketh not ashamed, for the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts…” In this world which is bereft of things to lift up our spirits, single Christian men and women should look up to things which are uplifting. Being nervous about finding the right person can dampen your spirit, but God shines his light through our hearts, bringing us rays of hope to pull us through all phases of life.
Linked to hope, is being radiant. When Christian singles look up to God as the only person who can guide them, their countenance changes, you become radiant, you glow because your circumstance or environment is not what defines you but something deeper, something Godlier. You see, nobody is attracted to a downcast person, but rather someone who is bubbly and full of life because in this can true love grow and thrive.

3 Allowing The Spirit Of God.
The Bible says those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. The Spirit of God dwells in you, and so you can ask anything of God and believe that He hears you. In this light, you have to open up your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to direct you, every day, everywhere. As you step out each day, believe that only good things will come to you. The Scriptures tell us that the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth. (John 16:13)
And so, if God wants you to get married, he will lead you to the love of your life by His Spirit. All you have to do is to be willing and sensitive to his promptings.
4 Live Intentionally
Every day of our lives matters. History is made without even realizing it. As a single Christian, there is a lot you can do to make your single life worthy of your future spouse. Have you tried working for God? Other godly single Christians are attracted to your service and commitment to God. Have you tried serving other people, being gracious sacrificial? Have you tried to pick up valuable traits that would endear you to other single Christian men and Christian women? You cannot sit idly and let the days of your life pass by you. Live intentionally, read the holy Bible, enlighten your mind, learn about things like finance and other skills that will be valuable to your relationship and marriage. In no time, when the Lord brings your spouse to you, it will be all be worth it. But while you wait, prepare to be married and have a family of your own.

5 Christian Dating sites.
Have you heard of Christian online dating sites? Yes! Christian online dating. Where else would you find other single Christians who share the same faith with if you have already dated all suitable Christian singles in your local area? On you can have fun and Christian mingle like-minded Christian singles
If you’ve not tried, do so today. Log onto Christian dating site for Christian singles, create a lovely profile of you doing what you love to do best, smiling cheerfully, with an open mind to form true friendships that could lead to marriage.
Are you a little shy? And fear what you would say to other single Christians or your prospective spouse when you finally meet? Oh no! Remember the Spirit of God teaches you all things, and will fill your mouth with the right words as soon as you speak.
6 Pray without Ceasing.
Whatever you do, pray! How can great things come to you if you don’t pray? Indeed, we lose a lot of blessings when we do not commit all things into the hands of God. As much as we want to Christian date, Christian mingle with other Christian singles, have fun and have happy lives, single Christians have to pray without ceasing as we permit God to lead us to the right person to get married to, that person who has the mind of God, who would love you truly and accept you just the way you are. Start praying today see for yourself the wonders that will happen.

7 Whatever things are True and Of Good Report.
Finally, God knows what is best for you, and the best season to bring everything to fruition, in that big and beautiful picture. Remember, you are His workmanship created unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). As much as he is preparing your spouse, he is preparing you, working behind the scenes, all for you. So, why not wait, hope and trust in him? You will never be disappointed when you put your trust in the Almighty. is a Christian owned and operated Christian dating site / Christian mingle site especially for Christian singles. On, Christian mingle with fun-loving Christian singles with high moral standards. We invite you to mingle with 10.000s Faithful Christian Singles. 1000s happily married Christians met on Christian dating site for Christian singles.